• On-line survey on Mentoring culture in SMEs

    Is your company prepared to implement Mentoring as a development strategy?

    This questionnaire pretends to support you to understand what is Mentoring* and decide on the interest of implementing Mentoring in your company.
    It will take you 15 min.


    *What is mentoring?
    'Traditional mentoring in the workplace' describes a relationship in which a more experienced colleague uses his or her greater knowledge and understanding of the work or workplace to support the development (of skills, abilities, knowledge and/or thinking) of a more junior or inexperienced member of staff.

    It is a specific learning and developing intervention. Mentoring is a development tool that complements and integrates with other learning activities incorporated into an employee's development plan.

    Some new types of mentoring are: group mentoring, e-mentoring, peer mentoring, reverse mentoring - older, more experienced workers are developing mentoring relationships with persons from younger generations to gain fresh insights and perspectives

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