1. |
Company name (not mandatory): |
2. |
Country: |
3. |
Company web site (not mandatory) : |
4. |
Contact person (not mandatory) : |
5. |
Function/position of contact person in the organization: |
CEO | HR department | Head of other department | Other |
5.1 |
Please chose an option |
5.2 |
If "Other", please specify |
6. |
Phone number (not mandatory) : |
7. |
E-email (not mandatory) : |
8. |
N� Employees |
< 50 employees | 51 to 100 employees | 101 to 250 employees | >250 employees |
8.1 |
Please chose an option |
9. |
Sector of economic activity: |
Industry | Services | Turism | Other |
9.1 |
Please chose an option |
9.2 |
If "Other", please specify |