The project aims at developing innovative tools and approaches in the field on Mentoring, based on already existing knowledge and material, fostering the inter-relationship between generations with benefits for employability of older and younger people, as well as for SMEs’ competitiveness.
Specific objectives are:
- to develop knowledge on mentoring culture, opportunities and practices, and installed capacity for Mentoring practices in SME;
- to provide SMEs with an ICT based framework for setting up Mentoring, allowing them to implement mentoring indoor;
- to develop and disseminate a methodology for certifying Mentors, common to all countries involved in the consortium, with potential to be disseminated to all Europe, including an innovative course for mentors according to ECVET, making the linkage between SMEs and VET and potentiating Mentoring as an innovative practice in the field of VET, to be mainstreamed within E&T System;
-to provide mentees with an innovative guide to orient them in an effective mentoring relationship in the workplace;
-to provide an ICT based training for becoming Mentor and e-Mentor including a feed-back system to evaluate the mentoring system/results and the mentoring relationship strengthening the relationship raised between mentor and mentee;
- to outstand workplace learning, providing different learning activities for older and younger people (networking, ICT based learning), potentiating and disseminate a learning practice within E&T system, which makes it closer to world of work, anticipating needs, learning opportunities, supporting the transfer of skills in danger of being lost (in traditional sectors) and provide a better support to the employability of different target-groups: older, motivating them to continue work and learn; younger, offering work based learning opportunities and a career support;
- attention to demographic changes and higher vulnerability of women in working life, as well as discrimination of older people at work, promoting a culture that stimulates learning and continue improving and good organizational climate, increasing employability, job satisfaction, passion and work engagement , “talent” management. The project is an example of promotion LLL work-based activities, through the mentoring model simultaneously with solutions to face demographic changes.