Framework For �Implementing Mentoring in a SME�
The "Framework for implementing Mentoring in SMEs" consists in an innovative approach to set up mentoring in their own floor with their own resources. This guide, based on effective, validated, practical and target oriented methodologies and tools, explains how to implement Mentoring in your own company, by giving an answer to a set of questions listed above. This version will guide you step-by-step in the process of implementing Mentoring inside your SME.
This framework is divided in two complementing components
1. Introduction � this part will drive you through the concepts of Mentoring, the legal context, benefits, challenges and ways to face them, and will provide you with a first approach to implement Mentoring in your company
Benefits of mentoring for all those involved Download
Possible challenges and overcoming them Download
Project approach to implement a formal mentoring system Download
2. Different steps of a mentoring project � in this part, you will be provided with the 4 steps to implement a Mentoring project in your company.
Step 1: why a mentoring program in our organisation? Download
Step 2: what is the concrete goal of the mentoring program? What is the target group? Download
Step 3: What is the role of mentors, profile of mentors and mentees? How do we carry out selection, matching, briefing and training? Download
Step 4: What on-going support will be offered? How to keep the mentors motivated? How will the program be evaluated? Download
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