For Mentors: questionnaire on mentoring relationship
My mentee expresses their strengths, weaknesses, goals and concerns freely and honestly
(Strongly agree)
(Strongly Disagree)
My mentee is open to me and feels free to share their thoughts with me
(Strongly agree)
(Strongly Disagree)
We made an agreement at the beginning of this relationship and we are aware on how to end the relationship when it is considered the aim has been fulfilled or progress is unsatisfying
(Strongly agree)
(Strongly Disagree)
The mentoring is also helping to me to develop myself
(Strongly agree)
(Strongly Disagree)
I devote enough time to my mentee
(Strongly agree)
(Strongly Disagree)
The mentoring training program is tailor made for me
(Strongly agree)
(Strongly Disagree)
We talk about mentoring, share information on learning styles , establish the boundaries of the relationship, mutually agree on the goals of the relationship, agree upon a meeting schedule, agree upon a time frame for the relationship
(Strongly agree)
(Strongly Disagree)
We are sharing effectively (freely giving thoughts, opinions, concepts, ideas, experiences, hunches, techniques and learning with one another)
(Strongly agree)
(Strongly Disagree)
I have no concerns or negative considerations on this mentoring relationship
(Strongly agree)
(Strongly Disagree)
I will use this mentee mentoring experience as one of the future models
(Strongly agree)
(Strongly Disagree)
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with the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union